Online Safety ~ Parental Controls

Thank you to the parents and carers who have taken the time to read this information. This is a step forward in gaining cyber safety tips and information, to assist you and your family to be safer online.

In this piece I wanted to highlight what I believe is one of the first elements in looking after your child online

 - Parental Controls -

Basically there is no advantage to online safety, if your child is given a device that even you do not know how to manage, or what it is capable of doing.

As a parent, you are your child's first line of defence and for that, we need to enable you with resources to assist in setting up your family's online devices.

This also helps parents gain an understanding of the technology a child is using, whether it be Games, or searching the World Wide Web for homework answers,  you are acquiring knowledge of how things work and how your child interacts with the internet world.

It will assist you to keep connected with what your family are doing online and hope that it may also add to open conversations you can have with your child.

Conversations regarding what children are doing online need to start as early as kindergarten.  This makes any family arrangements regarding time and appropriate usage of devices, be seen as normal and a natural progression into the teen online world, so they may grow into responsible digital citizens.

The following links and resources are not exhaustive, but may assist you in regards to Parental Controls on both your devices and for search engines such as Google and Bing;

Also remember to place Anti-Virus Software on ALL devices, including Mobile!  Mobile is becoming the preferred target for cyber criminals. Be sure you have a passcode or pin on your device, along with a 'find my phone' type activation.

I look forward to writing more of these online safety tips to assist in keeping you safe online.

Be Cyber Safe, Be Cyber Active!
Regards Janita

Janita is an Internet Safety Consultant and the Founder and Director of CyberActive Services. 

Janita is a ground breaker in her field regarding online safety.  She has assisted police around the globe with internet related activity and many have benefited from her guidance, resulting in successful management of cyber abuse issues, with social media intelligence gathering and cybercrime prevention tips.
CyberActive Services is the preferred organisation regarding cyber safety and digital reputation management and are recognised leaders in the field, for specialist instruction to law enforcement departments. CyberActive Services customers gain the knowledge and confidence, to enjoy the brilliance of the internet as responsible and happy digital citizens.

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