Online Guide for Survivors of Abuse

There is always Help!

It is always wonderful to see organisations who have strengths in certain areas, collaborate with other Organisations in order to help the world be a safer and more peaceful place.

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNDEV) and Facebook have teamed up to promote a Guide with tips for survivors of abuse.  Whether it be Domestic Violence, Stalking or Bullying, the Guide gives helpful information and links for privacy and security options on Facebook.

This Guide is one that I will promote not only to showcase the amazing work conducted by NNDEV, but so every Facebook user has the opportunity to keep themselves a little safer online and that in turn keeps friends in their online world a little safer too.

In speaking on Domestic Violence, it does not always appear in the form of physical abuse, it can be almost any type of controlling behavior and therefore at times, can be difficult to detect amongst friends and family, because they fear telling anyone.  They are in most cases feeling  ashamed, embarrassed, overwhelmed and some have purely lost hope.  

I know women who have stayed in a relationship and put up with the abuse, because they feel its too hard to leave their partner and start again. The children are settled in school and in some cases the mother has no form of income, other than their partner. The thought of family court or divorce is in their mind, the status quo is easier. Victims need to know that help is there for them and they don't always have to leave the family home.

The guide listed below, although related to Facebook, is an example of the number of resources that are available online, to empower victims of abuse and help better their situation.

How can you help?

May I take this opportunity to point out that we ALL need to keep watch over our loved ones. Our mothers, daughters, girlfriends, aunts and neighbours.  We cannot forget the minority groups - males, the elderly and also teens.

Show your support to a friend or family member. Let them know you understand their fear and you will do what you can to help and give strength, for them to take the first steps to a better life. 

You might look for relevant websites that relate to domestic violence assistance in your Area.
This may be as simple as giving them the link, a phone number, or picking up a pamphlet and handing it to them over a coffee.

Here is an example of a domestic violence website:
Domestic Violence - It can happen to anyone

In this world of technology, Apps have now become available that may be of assistance. 
You can also share the NNDEV Guide below for online safety. 

Please remember the wonderful work of 24hr Hotlines such as ~ Lifeline if you feel the need arises.

Most of all, if you or someone you know are in Immediate Danger, call your Emergency Number immediately!

Let's end the Silence and Stand Together to Stop Abuse.

Be Cyber Safe, Be Cyber Active!
 ~ Janita 
Founder and Director
CyberActive Services

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