
Showing posts from 2014

How To Avoid Using The New Facebook Messenger App

Facebook has started rolling out the new Facebook Messenger App and as a result has quietly annoyed a number of Users.  For those that access their Facebook messages via mobile device, many do not like being pressured to download the App in order to view existing or new messages. This along with the situation that the App appears to have taken control of a number of privacy elements on mobile devices, has left some Facebook users questioning if they will continue to use Facebook at all. For those that are stuck with what to do, here is a couple of possible solutions. ~ Firstly if you don't like it - don't use it!  You can still inbox message friends on a pc, which doesn't use the messenger application. For those that Need to communicate via mobile device on Facebook, here is a work around that may assist you. In your Settings feature go to   Timeline and Tagging  Who Can See What Others Post On Your Timeline Use the drop down menu and Change this to '

Online Guide for Survivors of Abuse

There is always Help! It is always wonderful to see organisations who have strengths in certain areas, collaborate with other Organisations in order to help the world be a safer and more peaceful place. The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNDEV) and Facebook have teamed up to promote a Guide with tips for survivors of abuse.  Whether it be Domestic Violence, Stalking or Bullying, the Guide gives helpful information and links for privacy and security options on Facebook. This Guide is one that I will promote not only to showcase the amazing work conducted by NNDEV, but so every Facebook user has the opportunity to keep themselves a little safer online and that in turn keeps friends in their online world a little safer too. In speaking on Domestic Violence, it does not always appear in the form of physical abuse, it can be almost any type of controlling behavior and therefore at times, can be difficult to detect amongst friends and family, because they fear

What To Do About Facebook Friend Hacks!

What To Do About Facebook Friend Hacks! May 10, 2013 at 8:07am (updated 24/07/2014) Friends connecting on Facebook is more than ever something that needs to be respected and trusted. Recently a number of people including myself have received friend requests on Facebook from people they know. Why is this unusual? Because these requests are from people who are 'already' connected and listed as friends.  The requests are from scammers attempting to gain access to your Facebook account and utilise your information that you share only with friends. They are using the scam of Ghost Accounts. Meaning they are Fake Imposter Accounts, that have copied everything from a friends Facebook Account, that is available on public view. Once they are accepted into your account, they are in a position to glean as much information as needed to further their scam. They send friend requests to your friends and can make an imposter account from your details. What to do;If you rece

Online Safety ~ Parental Controls

Thank you to the parents and carers who have taken the time to read this information. This is a step forward in gaining cyber safety tips and information, to assist you and your family to be safer online. In this piece I wanted to highlight what I believe is one of the first elements in looking after your child online   - Parental Controls - Basically there is no advantage to online safety, if your child is given a device that even you do not know how to manage, or what it is capable of doing. As a parent, you are your child's first line of defence and for that, we need to enable you with resources to assist in setting up your family's online devices. This also helps parents gain an understanding of the technology a child is using, whether it be Games, or searching the World Wide Web for homework answers,  you are acquiring knowledge of how things work and how your child interacts with the internet world. It will assist you to keep connected with what your family